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Data Migration

Top 3 challenges for data migration projects

If you are considering a data migration project or would like to know how to ensure a successful transition to a new system, here are top 3 challenges for data migration projects that you will need to address.

6 minutes read | by Lee Smith

Featured Articles

Break down data silos and unlock hidden insights from your data.

Are your sitting on a hidden goldmine of information? Insights often remain locked within silos, hindering businesses from optimising performance and making informed decisions.

4 minutes read | by Lee Smith

Is legacy technology derailing your digital transformation plans?

Outdated systems that hold back new ideas, slow down work, and drive-up expenses. So, how do we safely navigate away from legacy systems?

3 minutes read | by Lee Smith

Data Migration Series: How to approach a data migration?

Most data migrations can be pigeonholed into one of the two following categories. Those which take a ‘big-bang approach, and those that take a phased approach. How do decide on the right one?

6 minutes read | by Lee Smith