
Learning Centre

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This is the learning centre where you will find training courses, how-to guides and resources, such as example data.

What training do we recommend?


Begin with the Fundamentals course to get you started with creating an application using PhixFlow. This course provides an end-to-end overview of all the elements that make up our platform and how these fit together.

Full Courses 

Next, we recommend getting a more in-depth understanding of processing data using Analysis Modelling and how user interact with screens by working through the Full Courses. These include Analysis – Parts 1 and 2, followed by our Screen Building.

New to PhixFlow?

If you’re new to PhixFlow, or just in need of a reminder of what we do, watch the Build an Application demo to get you started on the right track.


Create your first application. Keep on track with your learning using our handy Fundamentals course checklist. 
Application Creation

01 App

Create your first application with PhixFlow.

PhixFlow course time 4 mins

Entity Relationship Diagrams

02 ERD

Entity Relationship Diagrams define your data.

PhixFlow course time 5 mins

Screen Building

03 Screens

Configure a screen to view and interact with your data.

PhixFlow course time 14 mins


04 Actions

Create actionflows for interacting with your application.

PhixFlow course time 15 mins

Optional Fundamentals.

The following are optional fundamentals courses which you can take depending on your needs.


05 Analysis

Connect to and manipulate your data on mass.

PhixFlow course time 18 mins

06 Workflow

Model the steps of a business process from end to end.

PhixFlow course time 6 mins

PhixFlow courses

Full Courses.

Analysis | 1

In-depth Analysis Modelling course providing everything you need to know about processing data with PhixFlow.

Analysis | 2 

Advanced Analysis Modelling course providing details on advanced data processing techniques in PhixFlow.

Screen Building

A guided course covering everything you need to know about screen creation in PhixFlow.


Comprehensive set of courses looking at actionflows, their uses and how to implement them in your application.

PhixFlow How to Guides

How to guides.

What is an API?

Learn what an API is and how they work.

Creating an API in PhixFlow

Learn how to create APIs in PhixFlow that can pass out data.

Calling an API in PhixFlow

Learn how to call APIs in PhixFlow and receive data.

API Authentication

Learn how to use authorisation in API calls in PhixFlow.

Lookups vs Views

Actionflow Views and Lookups return data in different ways…

Actionflow Lookups

Lookups return data as a single record containing an array of data…

Actionflow Views

Views return a set of records and are processed individually.

PhixFlow Resources


Example Applications
  • Demo Contact Manager
  • Serene Grey – Examples