What’s new in PhixFlow 11.1

Enhanced to deliver a more efficient, intuitive, and powerful experience.

PhixFlow 11.1 is here, packed with exciting new features and improvements designed to empower you to seamlessly integrate, analyze, manage, and leverage your data for low-code application building.

What's new in PhixFlow 11.1

Quick Navigation

Screen building and User Experience.

Creating intuitive and efficient user interfaces is essential for successful applications. PhixFlow 11.1 introduces a range of new features designed to streamline your screen building process and enhance the user experience for your applications.

Add custom tooltips
Add custom tooltips

Avoid confusion and give your users a helping hand by setting custom tooltips on grid cells to guide them on what actions may be taken.

Auto resize screens to fit content
Automatic sizing

Save time and eliminate the need to specify the size of a screen and have it adjust to match the content within. For example, when creating a sidebar menu or pop-up windows.  

Speed up testing
Speed-up testing

While designing screens, PhixFlow 11.1 lets you easily test button actions without locking the screen. Simply hold down Alt while clicking a button to trigger the action, streamlining your workflow.

New charting features.

PhixFlow 11.1 empowers you to tell even more compelling data stories with a significant boost to its charting capabilities. Explore new features designed to unlock deeper data insights, improve chart clarity, and provide greater customization options.

Create interactive charts
Interactive charts

Improve visibility with interactivity on your charts. It is now possible to create multi-layered hierarchical graphs by setting Background Filter Rules using chart selection. Line charts can now indicate which data point is selected.

Create Pareto graphs

New cumulative sum and cumulative percent are now available as aggregate functions on graphs allowing you to create Pareto graphs.

Add trendlines and custom series to your charts
Trend lines and custom series

Get more from your charts with the ability to add and style trend lines or other custom series such as fixed values, percentile and other statistical functions including expressions.

Remove the clutter from your charts and graphs
Remove the clutter

Remove the clutter from your charts with independent control of gridlines in either axis.


Streamline your data integrations and management processes with a variety of new features. From centralised private key management to seamless data transformation, this update enables you to connect your data ecosystem more efficiently.

Private Key Management
Private key management

Accessible from the main repository, Private Keys can be managed centrally. No more looking for them in each application.

Dedicated API Endpoint Actions
Dedicated API Endpoints

API actions are now a separate type of Actionflow called API Endpoints. These have fixed input attributes (body, headers, contentType and url), and fixed output attributes (body, headers, contentType and statusCode).

Native JSON Support
Native JSON support

Native support to easily create JSON documents within expressions is available. Additionally, new functions have been added to allow the conversion of these into XML documents. 

Transpose Data
Transpose your data

Your data how you need it. Easily transpose your data from arrays of items to an item of arrays, or vice versa.

Performance Boosted.

PhixFlow 11.1 prioritises keeping you in the flow of development with a focus on performance optimisation. We’ve implemented several improvements to streamline your workflow and ensure a more responsive user experience.

Faster configuration export times
Faster export times

Configuration export times have been reduced allowing you to export applications and custom themes faster.

Image caching for faster screen loading
Image caching

Screen load times have been dramatically improved with the caching of images.

Improved loading times

Load screens with large amounts of data (rows) faster with the removal of the row count by default. The row count can now be displayed by clicking on the three dots icon.


See PhixFlow in Action.

PhixFlow combines powerful integration, advanced analytics and low-code application development to enable you to solve even the most complex business problems.

PhixFlow releases.

What’s new in PhixFlow 11.

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